The spv.ds.DisplayPrice Class


The data contained in this class is generated by DsClient and should not be explicitly constructed by the user. This struct holds information on how to present a price. It includes the currency and the price value and where the currency symbol should be placed (pre/postfix). If use_text is true then it's expected to display the 'text' property instead of the price. Legacy: Only a text with a pre-formatted price was used before the addition of this datastructure. Please inquire about backend-plugin support if this struct is used to replace the deprecated string properties in an established client. Existing plugins may not properly populate it. @struct

bop_display_price {null|spv.ds.ipprot.protocol.DisplayPrice}

.currency_is_prefixed {boolean}

.currency_symbol {string}

.decimals {number}


Generates a string with a suggested formatting of the price. @export

returns {string}

.price_value {number}

.text {string}

.use_text {boolean}