The spv.ds.Suggestion Class

spv.ds.Suggestion(items_to_add, items_to_remove, internal_data)

Represents one configuration change suggestion. Suggestions are generated when the configurator logic engine finds relevant alternatives to the requested goal state. This object is instantiated by DsClient and should not be constructed by caller code. @struct

items_to_add {Array.<spv.ds.MenuItem>}
items_to_remove {Array.<spv.ds.MenuItem>}
internal_data {Array.<string>}

.internal_data {Array.<string>}

This is the data needed by the current implementation and it is expected to change in type and content over time as the suggestion capabilities improve. Caller code of DsClient should not inspect or modify this member. Only the internals of spv.ds.DsClient should use this member.

.items_to_add {Array.<spv.ds.MenuItem>}

Items in this array will be added to the configuration if this suggestion is activated on the related configuration. This member can safely be inspected and used by GUI code.

.items_to_remove {Array.<spv.ds.MenuItem>}

Items in this array will be removed from the configuration if this suggestion is activated on the related configuration. This member can safely be inspected and used by GUI code.